10 Signs You Have a Leaky Gut and How to Heal It

If you are constantly suffering from stomach issues, you could have an underlying health issue. Sometimes, the small intestine lining can become damaged. It can cause toxic waste products, bacteria, and undigested food particles to reach the bloodstream. The substances reaching the blood can cause an allergic reaction or autoimmune response.  

Understanding Leaky Gut 


Leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, is a condition where the lining of the small intestine is damaged. There is a layer of epithelial cells on the edge of the bowel that functions as a barrier between the blood and the digestive lumen. 

The cells are normally close to each other, forming a tight barrier. In some people, the cells begin to separate. They form spaces that cause toxins, undigested foods, harmful bacteria, and allergens to get into the blood circulation. The immune system reacts by secreting antibodies to fight the substances entering the bloodstream.

What Causes Leaky Gut 


A leaky gut occurs when the damaged cells fail to produce enzymes required for proper digestion. This means the body cannot absorb essential nutrients, which can cause hormone imbalances and a weak immune system. A leaky gut can be caused by diet. 

Certain foods can trigger an immune response, causing the symptoms. Medications like steroids, antibodies, and OTC pain relievers can irritate the intestinal lining and cause a leaky gut. Other causes are alcohol, nicotine, stress, unfiltered water, and environmental toxins. 

10 Signs You Have a Leaky Gut 


Several symptoms can indicate you have a leaky gut. They include:

·      Constipation, gas, bloating, or chronic diarrhea

·      A poor immune system

·      Nutritional deficiencies

·      Excessive fatigue

·      Frequent headaches

·      Memory loss or brain fog

·      Depression or anxiety

·      Skin problems, such as rashes, acne, or eczema

·      Joint pain or arthritis

·      Cravings for carbs or sugar

Other signs of a leaky gut include autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s, or celiac disease. Some people experience hormonal problems and mood swings. 

How to Heal a Leaky Gut


Changing your diet can help to heal a leaky gut. A nutritional therapist can help determine the foods causing the problem. Eliminating them from your diet can reduce the symptoms. Replace the triggers with foods that can help to repair the leaky gut. 

Replacing and rebuilding your gut lining are vital for sustaining your intestinal condition. Boost your intake of fiber, vegetables, healthy fat, and prebiotics. Include foods like fish, avocados, olive oil, and coconut oil in your new diet. 

Making Lifestyle Changes 


Making changes in your lifestyle can help to treat leaky gut. Improving your digestion will promote a healthy gut by reducing toxins. Exercising regularly, reducing stress, getting adequate sleep, and quitting smoking will help to improve your gut health. 

A healthcare provider can create a personalized plan to manage your gut condition. Depending on your case, you can get supplements with vital nutrients that promote gut health. 

For more on the signs that you may have a leaky gut and how to heal it, visit Oasis Chiropractic Center at our office in Miami, Florida—call (305) 374-5866 to request an appointment today.