CranioSacral Therapy In Miami

CranioSacral Therapy (CST):

Light-touch therapy that releases tension patterns your body/mind is holding.

Decrease stress and improve whole body health

oasis session

Imagine your body as a complex network of systems, like roads and highways in a city. Among these systems is the craniosacral system, which is like a network of rivers and streams that flow around your brain and spinal cord, carrying important fluids.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on therapy that focuses on this craniosacral system. Just like a traffic jam or a blockage in a river can disrupt the flow, problems in the craniosacral system, like tension or restrictions, can disrupt the flow of fluids and energy around your brain and spinal cord.

During a CST session, a trained therapist uses very gentle touch to feel for these areas of tension or blockages. They then apply subtle techniques to help release them, allowing the fluids and energy to flow more freely. This can help your body relax deeply and activate its natural healing processes.

By improving the flow in the craniosacral system, CST aims to address a wide range of issues, from physical pain and discomfort to emotional stress and tension. It's like giving your body's natural "rivers and streams" a helping hand to keep everything running smoothly and harmoniously.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are Some Conditions that Improve with CranioSacral Therapy?
  • Migraines & Headaches

  • Chronic Neck & Back Pain

  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

  • Insomnia

  • Fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Anxiety, Stress & Tension-related Problems

  • Sleep Disorders

  • ADD & ADHD

  • Colic

  • Otitis Media (Ear Infections)

  • Sinusitis

  • Depression

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

2. How Does Craniosacral Therapy Work?

With a precise and gentle touch, the Craniosacral practitioner detects and corrects imbalances in the cerebrospinal fluid (which nourishes and maintains the delicate balance of the central nervous system) and structures surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord. This in turn relieves tension and releases restrictions throughout the body. People of all ages can benefit from this type of therapy.

3. What Are Some Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy?
  • Physical Health

  • More energy & a sense of calm

  • Increased mental clarity

  • Creater vitality & well-being

4. What Can I Expect During a CranioSacral Therapy (CST) Session at Oasis Chiropractic Center?

Our certified CranioSacral therapist, Aaron, will check for imbalances before beginning treatment. During the session, you will lie on your back fully clothed in one of our treatment rooms. Aaron will apply subtle pressure with his hands to your head, specifically the cranial base located at the back of your skull. In some CranioSacral treatments your therapist may also treat your sacrum/lower back. Your therapist will only be using about 5 Grams of light touch, but always make sure to communicate your comfort level.

5. How Long Will My Session Last?

Depending on which areas or area receiving CranioSacral treatment at Oasis Chiropractic Center, the sessions can last between 30 minutes to an hour. Dr. Starkman will make recommendations on which particular session and treatment will benefit you. Patients can also opt for a full or half session depending on their time availability at our office.

outside adjustment
woman receiving an adjustment

There are two words we repeatedly hear patients say after their session:

  • One of these is “lighter,” as in “I feel lighter.” And we don’t think they mean that they lost weight during their session.

  • The other word is “serene.” Patients often use this word to describe their overall experience with therapy.

We also offer TMJ Dysfunction CranioSacral Treatments and Somato-Emotional Release Treatment at Oasis Chiropractic Center.

TMJ Dysfunction CranioSacral Treatment


There are many contributing factors to TMJ, but at the end of the day, the primary cause is stress.

TMJ is going to manifest whenever you have an emotional, psychological or physiological situation that is challenging. It’s like an alarm going off, and any number of things can cause the alarm system to go off.

Dr. John Upledger, D.O., O.M.M., names the following five causes for TMJ. They include:

  1. Craniosacral system dysfunction -This system consists of the skull bones that protect the brain (cranium), and the sacrum, which is the main foundation bone at the base of the spine. Many of these bones are associated with mastication and can be culprits, but typically, it is the temporal bones that are easily pulled out of alignment by attached muscles and tendons that have abnormal strain or tension on them.

  2. Stress – whether physiological, psychoemotional or environmental – all tend to cause clenching and increased pressure on the temporomandibular joint.

  3. Neurological responses – clenching and grinding as a result of anger, fear, aggression, ongoing pain, post-traumatic stress, etc.

  4. Degenerative diseases – such as autoimmune, arthritis, and inflammatory conditions that adversely affect the temporomandibular joint

  5. Dental issues – teeth and jaw alignment

What is TMJ Dysfunction CranioSacral Therapy?
This particular treatment focuses on reducing the restriction of the jaw along with reducing the pain, pressure and discomfort usually associated with this condition. Part of the treatment involves internal mouth and palette work. Your therapist is aware that you may experience some discomfort during the treatment and will be communicating with you throughout your entire session.

What are some symptoms of TMJ?
Below is a list of TMJ symptoms:

  • Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders

  • Limited ability to open or widen the mouth

  • Jaws that get “stuck” or “lock” in the open- or closed-mouth position

  • Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth

  • Difficulty chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite

  • Swelling on the side of the face

Somato-Emotional Release Treatment

Sometimes when we experience trauma or situations with a strong emotional impact, this energy is stored in the body. This can eventually lead to symptoms of pain, dysfunction or emotional stress.

What is SomatoEmotional Release (SER)?
SER is a form of subtle body work which is combined with dialogue to assist you in the process of releasing the effect of negative stored emotions and to increase an awareness of your “inner self.” This work truly accesses and assists the body in healing that very powerful and basic “mind-body connection”, facilitating healing at the source of the pain or problem.

What can I expect during my SomatoEmotional Release Session?
Your therapist, Aaron, will assist you in resolving issues within the emotional body. He will place his hands over an area of your body requiring SER. You will be encouraged to focus attention on the area and to describe how the area feels. Continued dialoguing and focus will help you connect to an emotion which is in conflict with your physical wellbeing. Resolution is sought and the physical, mental and emotional bodies are rebalanced.

SomatoEmotional Release can be, and is often used in conjunction with Craniosacral Therapy, to bring about profound changes in one’s psyche.

doctor adjusting a woman

The deep relaxation reached during your Craniosacral Therapy Session will alleviate the stresses commonly associated with pregnancy. It soothes back pain, aids with nausea, and alleviates headaches and edema.