Kids and Moms

Children are some of the biggest beneficiaries of chiropractic care. Surprised? Those who think of chiropractic as primarily a solution for neck and back problems are surprised to learn that chiropractic can be helpful for many types of childhood health problems.



group of children
Children often respond quickly to chiropractic care and seem to prefer our natural approach.


Nervous System Disturbances

The nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves of the body, controls and regulates the entire body. Many childhood health problems are merely the result of nervous system interference, usually along the spine.

Our gentle adjusting techniques help reduce these disturbances so your child’s body can resume working as it was designed. Better health is the natural result when the brain and body have clear communication pathways.

old image of a doctor and a baby
Dr. Starkman has over 30 years of experience treating children with very gentle and safe procedures. He specializes in treating children ear aches, colic and digestive issues.​​​​​​​

Chiropractic and Children

Upon examination, we often find nerve disturbances associated with many types of common childhood health complaints.

While the effects of these nervous system compromises go by a variety of names, chiropractic is not a treatment for them! Our primary aim is to locate and reduce the underlying nervous system dysfunction.

Infertility. Even before birth, restoring nervous system control of reproductive organs has blessed many chiropractic patients with the child they thought was impossible.

Traumatic Birth. Have your newborn checked shortly after birth to detect the effects of in-utero constraint, C-section, vacuum extraction or other aspects of a stressful birth.

Colic. Birth trauma, even from so-called “natural” birthing experiences can often produce a child’s first nerve compromise. Lacking the ability to communicate, your baby cries. And cries.

Ear infections. Biomechanical restrictions in the upper spine can compromise the nervous system and immune system, making your child’s ears a breeding ground for viral infection.

Bedwetting. Nervous system compromise in the lower back can block nerve messages responsible for bladder control. Many children regain their confidence and self-esteem with chiropractic care.

child examining a spine
How do you know if your child’s nervous system is properly functioning and if his/her spine is healthy?​​​​​​​

Reducing nervous system tension can improve virtually every aspect of your child’s performance.

ADHD. Many parents investigate conservative chiropractic care before exposing their children to psychotropic drugs. Reducing tension to the nervous system has produced excellent results for many.

Asthma. By reducing neurological compromise to the bronchial tubes, lungs and diaphragm with chiropractic care, attacks can often be reduced or eliminated.

Growing Pains. Pain of any type is a warning that something isn’t right. While considered a “phase they’re going through,” it’s usually a sign that biomechanical stress to the nervous system is present.

Scoliosis. Instead of crude bracing or the all too common “wait and watch” approach, chiropractic care has helped countless children with this common disfigurement.

Wellness. An obvious symptom isn’t required! Enjoy the peace of mind of having your infant or child checked to uncover structural or neurological problems before they become serious.

Watch “Why Chiropractic Care For Kids?”
Watch “A Chiropractic Miracle Story”​​​​​​​
family photo
It’s never to early to get your family on Chiropractic Care.​​​​​​​


We offer a comfortable and safe environment for children, complete with games.

Our office is always full of little ones enjoying the benefits of the services we offer at Oasis, so most kids feel right at home.

We offer access to a big support Network for parents striving to improve the quality of life for their children, including those with special needs.

Through our family-centered practice, our network of Wellness Partners, and through information about our local community allies Dr. Starkman is a great resource for parents.

Regardless of the age or condition, a better working spine and properly functioning nervous system is essential for optimal health for you and your child.

​​​​​Family Chiropractic Care is a common thing here at Oasis Chiropractic Center. We see hundreds of families who want to feel great and be their very best.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​There are so many reasons to have your child become a chiropractic patient. Once your children see that chiropractic adjustments do not hurt and, in fact, are fun and feel great they will enjoy visiting our office. We offer a comfortable and safe environment for children, complete with toys and stickers, which seem to be a big hit with the kids and some adults.

Dr. Starkman's mission is to change the trajectory of every child’s life by providing safe and natural Chiropractic Care and allowing kids' nervous systems to function at their optimal potential.

For more information or to schedule your child's 1st Visit TEXT or Call us today at 305-374-5866, or request an appointment below.

​​​​​​​Request An Appointment

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